Telling Authentic Asian American Stories
Narrative Plenitude is a project that celebrates and shares the diverse stories of people living in contemporary society. The term was coined by Viet Thanh Nguyen, award-winning novelist and author of The Sympathizer. He explains that Asian Americans live in an economy of narrative scarcity, with their stories distorted or erased by mainstream culture. Feeling deprived of representation, they must fight to tell their own stories.
Hollywood continues to project the same stories over and over again. There is a lack of stories being told about the multi-faceted perspectives unfolding daily in our diverse society—every single one of which deserves the honor of being shared authentically to the world, not forced to fit into a template narrative outlined by mainstream media.
The concept of narrative scarcity exists for all minorities. In order to break the cycle, we must work together to inject our own truths and realities into the world. We must tell stories that are raw, real, and honestly convey who we really are. No matter how good or bad the narratives are, the key is to achieve more. Ultimately, we hope to activate a global discussion to achieve “narrative plenitude,” one authentic story at a time.
“Narrative Plenitude” は多様性と、人々の豊かなストーリーを掘り下げ、シェアしていくプロジェクトです。この言葉は小説家、Viet Thanh Nguyenが最初に使用した言葉です。彼は、アジア系アメリカ人が、主流のメディアで歪曲した描写に晒されたり、存在を消されたりと、”物語の欠乏”の中で生きている、と主張しています。アジア人のみならず、「マイノリティ」と位置づけられる人々の多くは、自分たちの物語を語るためには、声を上げて戦わなくてはいけない社会の中で生きています。
感動的じゃなくてもいい。王道じゃなくてもいい。生々しく、リアルで、多様な「あなた」の物語が知りたい。そんな想いから、Narrative Plenitudeのプロジェクトは立ち上がりました。