Flags of Peace
Flags of Peace
Contemplating Peace on an International Stage
NDCLA’s Daigo Daikoku participated in the Flags of Peace exhibition, first showcased at The Hague in the Netherlands, as the representative artist from Japan. A number of famous artists and designers, including Wim Crouwel (Netherlands), Milton Glaser (U.S.), and M/M (France), were asked to design a flag symbolizing peace for the exhibition, which traveled around the world.
平和活動Flags of Peace Exhibtionに日本代表として参加しました。Wim Crouwel(Netherlands)、Milton Glaser(USA)、M/M (Paris)など、各国を代表するデザイナーが参加しています。オランダのハーグからはじまり、世界各国を巡回しています。
Trapped in Suburbia
Trapped in Suburbia
Daigo Daikoku